We are delighted to be able to offer our members full access to our exclusive loyalty discount scheme.
We’ve been working hard to bring our members as many discounts as possible across major brands so that you can keep more cash in your pocket!
By showing your card at this fantastic list of suppliers, you will save an average of 5-30% on your purchases meaning that within just a few transactions, we will have saved you the entire cost of your annual NZTBA subscription and more!

But that is not the best bit!....
The best part about our discount program, is that it has a dual benefit. Every time you spend using our discount codes, you also help to support great people doing great things that make a real difference in people's lives.
With each purchase, a portion of your spend is also donated to incredible charities like Go Generosity, Transform Aotearoa, Caring Families Aotearoa, Heart Kids NZ. You also help to deliver free firewood to NZ families who need it, and help provide materials and volunteer manpower for overseas aid.