In 2013, the Independent Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety reported that New Zealand’s work health and safety system was failing. As a result, New Zealand underwent its most significant workplace health and safety reforms in 20 years resulting in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) and the formation of WorkSafe New Zealand (WorkSafe).

Why do you need to have a H&S management system in place?
Other than complying with the law, it is important to note that over a 12-month period, ACC accepted in recent times 3,514 horse related injury claims, which came at a cost of $16.7 million to help people recover.
In simple terms, no Company or business wants their reputation tarnished with having their staff injured whilst at work.
Company culture plays a big part in keeping your staff safe and it is said that for every serious injury there will be at least 300 near-miss incidents that were not reported or acted upon.
The heart of any Health & Safety system is simply about minimizing your risk/potential losses in a structured format, in other words preventing harm to you, family members or workers.
For an easy guide as to how you are managing risk for your business, simply click on the following link and see how you score.

Who can help you put a Health & Safety plan together?
Securo is a New Zealand owned and operated Company that has been providing Health & Safety management systems and advice to New Zealand businesses for over 20 years.
Securo have a nationwide team of qualified Safety Consultants working with clients every day to ensure best practice in Workplace Health & Safety. Securo believe regular face to face visits at the client’s workplace is the best way to ensure incremental safety improvements are made.
They have 13 Consultants throughout New Zealand and operate a 24-hour helpline for clients in emergency situations, which is monitored by a trained Consultant

What does Securo do to make your workplace safer?
They help you get your Health & Safety paperwork sorted by providing their Health & Safety management system which includes a H&S manual, policies & forms, worker H&S booklets.
They assist in creating a Hazard Register for your particular risks and point out opportunities for safety improvement around the workplace.
They talk you through their online Health & Safety system and help you install the Securo App which helps capture and report Health & Safety incidents or hazards and team meeting notes.
They continue to provide support (frequency depending on the service plan and number of hours per annum selected) to audit and assess your Health & Safety on an ongoing basis.

Special offer to NZ Thoroughbred Breeders Association members:
New Zealand Thoroughbred Breeders' Association members are eligible for a specially discounted fee on a bespoke Health & Safety management system from Securo.
There are also a number of resources available concerning health and safety. Click here to view these resources.
Below, we have gathered some helpful links and documents so you can have these at your fingertips: