The Bloodstock Agents Federation of New Zealand
All BAFNZ Agents are Registered Valuers and are available for public assistance, including inspections or bidding on behalf of.
BAFNZ Members
Andrew Campbell - Wairarapa
M: +4 27 283 8771
Bruce Perry Bloodstock Ltd - Central Districts
Bruce Sherwin - Waikato
M: +64 210 565 643
Chris Rutten Bloodstock - Central Districts
M: +64 27 246 7565
David Ellis - Waikato
Dean Hawthorne Bloodstock - Waikato
Dylan Johnson Bloodstock - Waikato
Joe Yorke Bloodstock - Whanganui
John White Bloodstock - Waikato
M: +64 27 476 5889
Marcus Corban - Waikato
M: +64 27 451 8878
Michael Otto Bloodstock Ltd - Auckland
M: +64 21 948 983
Phill Cataldo Bloodstock - Waikato
M: +64 27 483 8578