New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR) has launched its onlineBreeders Service Centre. This follows the launch of NZTR's Trainers Service Centre last year for
online processing of racing transactions including race nominations, withdrawals, scratchings, etc.
The first phase of the extensive Breeders Service Centre project allows broodmare owners to click on and, via a Members login, process all their returns. Previously these could be completed through paper forms only.
Approximately 200 breeders have registered to use this new online function since advance notification, together with their unique customer codes, were mailed out in January 2008. The service was extensively tested through January and February 2008 and went live on 14 February 2008.
The online process comprises just four easy steps. Breeders can declare their results and mare status and complete payment by credit card. The entered returns automatically update NZTR's database and website. This provides timely
and accurate breeding records for the industry.
NZTR has introduced an incentive for breeders who move to this paperless process: There is a 5% discount off all mare return fees. Feedback from breeders using the service in the first few days of it going live has been very positive. Margaret Fife, who manages all mare returns for Cambridge Stud, and who was involved in testing the system on behalf of NZTR before it went live, has been delighted with the service: "For this type of transaction Cambridge Stud will now operate almost exclusively online. It just makes the whole process a lot quicker and easier, not to mention the absence of all those forms and filing cabinets. I'm really pleased that we now have this option."
NZTBA Membership Secretary Janine Wallace, herself an NZTBA member and breeder, was also impressed with the new service.
"What really impressed me was that the procedure was quick and simple, returning me a printed pdf invoice of the transaction which made my bookwork very simple. The discount was a bonus too. And it was great to see the 2007 returns immediately updating our mares in the stud book," Janine said.
To register for this service, breeders should simply email with their unique customer code (posted to them in January). Upon receipt NZTR will provide logon and password details for immediate access to this new function. Alternatively contact the Operations team at NZTR on 04 576 6240.
- NZ Thoroughbred Racing
online processing of racing transactions including race nominations, withdrawals, scratchings, etc.
The first phase of the extensive Breeders Service Centre project allows broodmare owners to click on and, via a Members login, process all their returns. Previously these could be completed through paper forms only.
Approximately 200 breeders have registered to use this new online function since advance notification, together with their unique customer codes, were mailed out in January 2008. The service was extensively tested through January and February 2008 and went live on 14 February 2008.
The online process comprises just four easy steps. Breeders can declare their results and mare status and complete payment by credit card. The entered returns automatically update NZTR's database and website. This provides timely
and accurate breeding records for the industry.
NZTR has introduced an incentive for breeders who move to this paperless process: There is a 5% discount off all mare return fees. Feedback from breeders using the service in the first few days of it going live has been very positive. Margaret Fife, who manages all mare returns for Cambridge Stud, and who was involved in testing the system on behalf of NZTR before it went live, has been delighted with the service: "For this type of transaction Cambridge Stud will now operate almost exclusively online. It just makes the whole process a lot quicker and easier, not to mention the absence of all those forms and filing cabinets. I'm really pleased that we now have this option."
NZTBA Membership Secretary Janine Wallace, herself an NZTBA member and breeder, was also impressed with the new service.
"What really impressed me was that the procedure was quick and simple, returning me a printed pdf invoice of the transaction which made my bookwork very simple. The discount was a bonus too. And it was great to see the 2007 returns immediately updating our mares in the stud book," Janine said.
To register for this service, breeders should simply email with their unique customer code (posted to them in January). Upon receipt NZTR will provide logon and password details for immediate access to this new function. Alternatively contact the Operations team at NZTR on 04 576 6240.
- NZ Thoroughbred Racing